This new networking group is not like any other. If you are looking for a networking group where you can grow your business, get care and support as a business owner, and make a real difference in your local community, then you have come to the right place.

Offer 1: Exposure with Minimal Effort (Not Exclusive)

(Open to all business owners)

  1. Place on Find Network website
  2. Placed on the App to refer
  3. Invited to statewide quarterly Zoom meeting – two business owners invited to talk for 5 mins about their business
  4. Referral Partnership (Find Group e.g., insurance, super, retirement planning)

Quarterly Zoom Events will occur on these dates at 7.30pm:
1st Thurs Night in FEB | 1st Thurs Night in MAY
1st Thurs Night in AUG | 1st Thurs Night in NOV

Offer 2: Connection, Exposure and Exclusivity

(Specific to region)

  1. Place on Find Network website
  2. Placed on the App to refer
  3. Invited to statewide Quarterly Zoom meeting – two business owners invited to talk for 5 mins about their business
  4. Attend bi-monthly face-to-face meeting (exclusivity) – having involvement in the paper and community
  5. They write their articles for the community paper (exclusivity)
  6. Referral Partnership (Find Group e.g., insurance, super, retirement planning)

Offer 3: Connection, Exposure and Exclusivity

and we do the work

  1. Place on Find Network website
  2. Placed on the App to refer
  3. Invited to statewide Quarterly Zoom meeting – two business owners invited to talk for 5 mins about their business
  4. Attend bi-monthly face-to-face meeting (exclusivity) – having involvement in the paper and community
  5. We write their articles for the community paper (exclusivity)
  6. Referral Partnership (Find Group e.g., insurance, super, retirement planning)
How to join and what you get:
  • Join today and secure your spot in one of the Council regions across Victoria by filling in the form below.
  • Every member will be able to attend the online quarterly network meetings.
  • Every member will be able to join the Find Network App to send and receive referrals.
  • For those wishing to pay a little more, you can secure exclusivity to attend monthly meetings, and advertise and place articles in the community paper*.
  • If we have a community paper in your region and are paying a membership fee of $110 per month, you can elect to advertise in the community paper and write articles.
  • If we have a community paper in your region and are paying a membership fee of $165 per month, you can elect to advertise in the community paper and we will write the articles for you.
  • Membership starts from $55 per month up to $165 per month.
  • Each member will sign a Direct Debit form and pay via Credit Card each month.